The Year of the Metal Rat - Part 2

In this post we continue our exploration into this new lunar year, delving deeper into the aspects of behavior, health, and a global awareness rising over the horizon.

Before discussing the new life phase brought in by the Year of the Rat, let’s reflect on what this century has shown us so far.

Civility in Focus. With the influx of the digital era and worldwide inter-connectivity booming, people are finding all sorts of virtual ways to talk to each other. Maybe it’s opening up a chat box with an old friend. Or perhaps following a new artist you’ve just discovered.

But there are two sides to this coin. Alongside the constant contact runs another trend in communication, or rather, miscommunication. When behind the virtual veil, people don’t have to be themselves. They are representatives or constituents, money launderers or suspicious givers.

The principles favored by the influence of the Metal element this year beget an aversion to such bad behavior. Crude comments may be replaced with courtesy. More civil rule may take the place of harsh injustice. The world in general is asking for an overhaul of the unkind behaviors we have grown accustomed to. Truthfully, the waste product of an inconsiderate lifestyle - in the form of fires, plastic, and oil - has become a burden on this planet.

The new ethos is likely to lead to a show of renewed regard for those who take the high road. Decency and moral courage will return, as will independent thought and stances. One caution: High principles may lead to some inflexible moralizing from those convinced they are right.

Wisdom will also be back on the table, brought in the the Water element also at play in this astrological year. Significant life experience will be valued more, which will help provide perspective to younger people who have not experienced the larger cycles of life. The benefits include inner wisdom gained from meditation, dreams and intuition.

Good Health. A new year, a new decade, and a new 60-year-cycle portend excellent support for health. Those with kidney or lung problems should find relief or resolution. It’s helpful not to test this wantonly; protect your neck in cold or windy weather to avoid catching a bug.

However, the stomach is on its own. Digestive issues lack support this year, so stick with simple, fresh foods and minimize sweet foods or flavors. “Diets this year will be more omnivorous and flexitarian, due to the Rat energy.” Foraging may be the trend of the year, and any foods handed down through tradition or families will be popular.

The general vibe toward self-improvement will see people taking charge of their health, including by exercising. Because of the influence of the Water element, swimming is recommended, especially in salt water. Sleep should improve for many, and for the rest, getting more sleep will add to your general well being.

Economics. The return to civility should help international trade and agreements. Water loves to merge, so expect more mergers and good results from them. The youthfulness of the Rat year supports new ventures, too, especially in the technology sector, ruled by the Metal element. Industries involving metal, such as automobiles, manufacturing, mining, airplanes should also do well. Water-based products requiring distillation such as alcohol, vinegars, tinctures could have a good year.

However, the stock market may be lackluster for a number of years (the market requires the Fire element to thrive and this year Fire is weak). If people lose optimism about the economy expect a move to safer and more secure investments.

In Summary: Welcome change in your life this year, and reach for the new you. Support courtesy in interactions, and enjoy the charm and cleverness of the year of the Rat.


Our thanks to Lilian Pearl Bridges for the basis of this forecast. Any errors or deviations from her original are solely our responsibility. You may read the original at her site:


To Resist a Virus, Be Resistant


The Year of the Metal Rat